
Finally, a blog from Chile!

We arrived here the last thursday morning, after a long travel. We were lucky to be able to sleep alot on the airplane, the flight was so good and comfortable, that we didnt notice anything. Chile welcomed us with a beautiful sunny day, a clear sky and warm!!  Rodrigo, the brother of Rodolfo, Maria Jose, the daughter of Rodrigo, and Angelica the mother of Rodolfo all came to the airport to pick us up. What a great meeting that was. Very nice people, so sweet!!

We went to the house of Rodolfos mother and there we met Nano, the grandfather. That is a personality!! He is 94 years old, but has the energy of a 20 year old, he is really incredible. He is so healthy and fit. Everyday, he goes out walking, and goes to the supermarket, carries alot of bags, and walks really fast, we need to take care not to loose him. He wakes up making jokes and goes to sleep making jokes, unbeliveable!!

After taking breakfast with the family, we headed out for a coffee all of us, and later in the day Rodrigo invited us to his house for a meal.  Really nice everything. Then it happened..... an earthquake, being on the 23rd floor, the building dancing a bit and the light in the ceiling moving alot...pfff.....i was honestly a bit scared, but the rest of the nothing, " no, its just a little earthquake, its normal, ...." still it was 5.3 on the richter scale!!! Well, of course nothing happened, and we continued our meal, and after a really nice day, we were quite tired and with alot of jetlag, so we slept early that night.

The day after, we went for a walk in the centrum, and to have lunch in " el mercado" , a market place famous for seafood. Its quite far away from where the mother of Rodolfo lives, at least 30 minutes in the bus, and always inside the same city. Really, this city is huge, and much bigger then i can imagine, really beautiful and with big buildings. The avenues are broad, alot of place, but alot of traffic, of course.  Well, anyway, we went to the centrum and there the things are different to what they are were we are staying. Alot of poor people on the street, begging for money, selling things on the street... and so on. In the market where we went to have lunch, there are many restaurants there, and they were fighting to get people inside their restaurants. Well, the food was absolutely delicious, great!! We had for a starter raw fish that has been laying in lemon, so tasy and mmmm......i get water in my mouth now. After that we had a seafood soup, also just great. What a taste the food has, yummmie!!

Yesterday, we went with the brother of Rodolfo to the mountains, Andes mountains, vouw!! We went all the way to Valle Nevado, that is in more than 3000 metres altitude, really high, and it took quite a while driving all the way up there. The way up is beautiful, and these mountains, what a beauty. The Valle Nevado is a great ski center, and alot of the national teams of skiing go there to train now. We sat down, took a coffe in one of the terasses there, whatched a skiing competition, and it was so warm and sunny, really nice. If u want to see what im talking about check this out:  its in spanish, but has alot of photos. Yesterday evening we were completely tired, and we slept for 12 hours last night, it really take energy to go up so high and the jetlag was still affecting us, but now we are feeling great.  

Today we took it easy, we went to the supermarket, and the mother of Rodolfo cooked a typical chilean meal, "casouela" a bit like the icelandic "kjotsupa" really nice.

We are also very lucky with the weather, coz normally this is winter time here, but everyday there is about 25  degrees and sun, so we are using only summer clothes, its normally much colder. I already have more tan, than i got in Belgium in one month, the sun is so strong! Not bad!!! 

Well, i will call it a day now, the next time i have access to internet i will write more. But one thing is for sure, we are having a great time here, everything really nice and we are very happy!! I hope to put some photos soon.

stay tuned : )

a big kiss,


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Sólbrśn ķ "vetrarkuldanum" !!  Gaman aš fį aš fylgjast meš,hlakka til nęst.  Kvešja śr ķslensku sumri-


Kerla (IP-tala skrįš) 3.7.2007 kl. 12:52

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